How to Raise Strong & Healthy Children

Parenting can definitely be a challenge for busy moms and dads looking to prioritize their children’s health and well-being. Although everybody wants to raise the healthiest kids possible, sometimes it can be difficult to identify the best methods and strategies for doing so. Our blog post will help outline how to raise strong & healthy children.

With the rise of digital tools and toys, it feels harder than ever to get kids moving and interested in exploring the outside world. There are also hundreds of processed and unhealthy foods that target children and can lead to obesity if eaten too often. 

Thankfully, there are many impactful steps that parents can take to ensure their children grow up as strong and healthy as possible. By prioritizing healthy lifestyles within the family, kids can be raised to appreciate things that boost their well-being and carry those habits with them into adulthood. 

So what are some great ways to raise strong and healthy children? Keep reading to learn more!

Introduce Healthy & Delicious Foods

Getting kids to eat nutritious meals is a lot easier when they are willing and excited to do so. Parents can get their children into this positive mindset by making mealtime fun and interesting. Kids love getting involved in planning and are much more likely to eat their vegetables if they are prepared in delicious ways. Fruits and vegetables can also seem more attractive when lots of colors are involved or if they are arranged into fun shapes or forms. 

Consuming five servings of fruits and vegetables every day can help protect against cardiovascular disease, cancer, and obesity. Although children may seem hesitant to try new foods, they will eventually come around to most of them if they are offered the food repeatedly. For really young kids and babies, it is an excellent idea to introduce a variety of food early on so they learn to love variety. 

Establish a Solid Sleep Schedule

parent reading to child at bedtime

We all know how important sleep is for the development of children. In fact, kids need a lot more sleep than adults may think they do. For example, young toddlers should sleep between 11 to 14 hours a day in total. Even children that have gone beyond kindergarten still need to sleep anywhere from 9 to 11 hours every day. 

For children that don’t get enough sleep, problems can arise in other areas of their lives. They may have trouble eating properly or develop behavioral issues at school or home. Fortunately, establishing a bedtime routine can help kids wind down before bed and get the rest they need. Spending quality time with your children in this way is ideal for reading books together, snuggling, and talking about the day. 

Make Time for Movement

These days, it’s easier than ever for children to get sucked into the internet and digital devices. For busy parents, it can be tempting to give kids a tablet filled with their favorite games and shows to keep them occupied. Doing so may be convenient, but it takes away from time that could be spent moving their bodies or playing outside. In fact, today’s children spend an average of seven hours every day staring at electronics. 

There are many incredible benefits for children who are able to play outside on a regular basis. Spending time outdoors has been linked with improved motor development, lower obesity rates, and myopia (nearsightedness) risk. Playing safely in the sun can also make it easier for kids to get essential vitamin D that their bodies need for strength and well-being. 


parents raising strong & healthy children

As you can see, there are so many great methods for parents wondering how to raise strong and healthy kids. Focusing on making nutritious meals delicious and interesting is a wonderful strategy for encouraging good eating habits. Ensuring kids are getting enough sleep is also critical for their healthy development. 

Establishing a bedtime routine is a great way to spend quality time with your kids while also helping them wind down for the night. Finally, make sure to encourage play and outdoor activities for your children. There are countless benefits associated with movement and exposure to nature for both children and adults.