How to Participate in National Wellness Month
If you haven’t already heard, August is National Wellness Month, and a great time to focus on taking care of yourself. During this time, people everywhere are making efforts to establish healthy habits and improve their quality of life. They know that doing so can help them better manage the daily stressors of life and make them happier.
A great way to participate in National Wellness Month is to review not just one, but many aspects of your health. This includes the physical, mental, and spiritual areas of your life. Taking a holistic approach can help identify exactly what may be causing stress and triggering potential health problems.
Many of us spend so much of our time working hard and taking care of those around us that we forget to refuel our minds and bodies. So what are some great ways to participate in National Wellness Month and take charge of our health? We’ve highlighted some great tips for you to get started. Keep reading to learn more!
Check-in On Your Eating Habits
Nutrition is obviously a cornerstone of good health and wellness. This month, take the time to review how you’ve been eating lately. Is there anything that you could improve upon? Most people find that they may be overindulging in one thing or another, such as too much salt, sugar, or even alcohol.
Once you’ve identified something to improve upon, start eating and drinking more consciously in your everyday life. Make reductions as needed and slowly your tastebuds will adjust to lower levels of consumption. You can also introduce some new healthy snacks into your diet to start building new nutritional habits.
Identify Your Stress Relievers

As we get older, we naturally become more consumed with responsibilities and important tasks that take up our time. It becomes harder to make time for our hobbies and fun things we used to do more often. Logic tells us that it’s not important to have fun and make time for hobbies, there are more important things at hand! Fortunately, this just isn’t true. In fact, it’s critical to make time for stress-relieving activities that we love to take part in.
This month, take a look back at the activities that make you happy. It could be running, painting, writing, or anything else. Build some time into your week to do this again and enjoy yourself a little bit. Doing so can help you relieve stress from your life and recharge your batteries.
Do a Digital Detox

Let’s face it, many of us are addicted to the internet and spend hours every day staring at a screen of some sort. Whether it be social media, video games, or other internet applications, all this time spent on digital devices can take a toll on our mental health. For this reason, taking the time to do a digital detox can make a great impact on our lives. A break from technology can help us sleep better and rebuild the chemicals in our brains that create happiness.
Taking some time off from social media, in particular, can bring lots of benefits to people that may be experiencing anxiety or depression. Studies have shown that heavy social media usage has been linked to both of these problems. Although it may be difficult at first, stepping away and breaking the cycle of content consumption can help us feel better.
Additional Steps You Can Take
The above are just a few things you can do to participate in National Wellness Month. In addition to these ideas, here are a few more areas you can look into:
- Establish a healthy sleep routine
- Spend more time in nature
- Focus on your water intake and hydration
- Reconnect with friends and family
- Become more active

As you can see, there are so many great ways to participate in National Wellness Month. Take the time to focus on yourself and improve your wellbeing in whichever way you find best. Doing so can help reduce stress, anxiety, and boost our physical health in many ways. Spending time on our health is always a wise investment that pays off in the long run.

Maneeza Hasan Maneeza is a content marketing professional from Los Angeles, California. She loves to create content that helps people live better lives. To learn more about her please visit her website at